>Give it up.
The big problem here is that you people are afraid that the Christian faith is the 'one, true way', just as Jesus proclaimed in John 14.6, then backed up with miracle after miracle. He proved this then by performing the ultimate miracle: raising his dead physical body into the complete spiritual one that all who believe look forward too.
I have heard some wonder what the 'next big step in evolution will be like'. Using that as an analogy, this occurred 2000 years ago in Jerusalem. The prototype was and is, Jesus Christ. All who share in 'the calling' will be moving on to the spiritual body. They are even now being transformed, not into 'nice people' from the depraved rabble that they are, but into 'new man'.
The New Man is such an advance from the old as to be almost unrecognmizable yet with many similiarities. C. S. Lewis uses the example of a horse being transformed into a 'horse with wings', admitting that the analogy breaks down but it gets the point across.
Naebis, you are scared and anxious, making a mistake of youth: thinking you know it all.
Ginny, you continue to use the parts of the Bible you find distasteful as an excuse to disbelieve. You forget the wager of pascal, which is valid in use with Christianity, there is no faith closer to making any sense whatsoever.
SS, you may have almost had it and now it appears you are hardened against it.
Norm, you are a sad case indeed. You cannot stand for someone to have found inner peace and contentment.
The rest of you are like little kids tossing stones at the door of some scary old man, hoping to rouse his anger and prove how brave you are. You still trumpet the Watchtower's main message: 'all other religion is false'.
Don't throw away eternity until you have really given Jesus a chance. The more that you harden against His word, the more you will be hardened. That is the one unforgivable sin, the 'sin against the Spirit'.
May God grant each of you what you ask for.
I urge you who value logic and reason to read C.S. Lewis', Mere Christianity.